воскресенье, 23 октября 2011 г.

IVA- Travel, study and experience The World by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy, Israel, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Pakistan placements. International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world)

IVA- Travel, study and experience The World by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy, Israel, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Pakistan placements.

International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com isdedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs, creating various community service and development projects, providing health care services to those who need it.

Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.

Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 14 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel.

Groups of any size are also welcome.

Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. Volunteer Academy is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, schools exchange, medical, religious, visiting holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours.

We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 40 Euros + local fees (local fees differ from country to country and program to program but are the cheapest in the world) to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement.

We currently have internship opportunities available in:

  • Media, social media, video and photo reporting , filmmaking, writing articles etc. media work

Fundraising- Project research and creation - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors,- researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.

  • Teaching in orphanages Arts, English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
  • NGOs
  • Public Relations, Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
  • Social enterprise
  • International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners
  • Web development, IT etc.

We also have volunteer opportunities available at:

  • Language schools

Orphanages, Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games

  • Elders houses
  • Local ministries, Interfaith peacebuilding- visit and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.
  • Medical projects
  • And more, just contact us!

Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore the world while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a different country, and even take weekend excursions within it or in neighboring countries. More details: Post-Program Services Include: Internship Network, Year Founded: 1997, religious: Internship, volunteer at Volunteer Academy is a Unificationists based organization. We do not require our participants to be of the same faith. Volunteers are free to join religious activities.

In order to apply, send your resume, country and position request topacea21@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net

Find us: International Volunteer Academy, IVA on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google etc. webs and see what we are all about!

PS. IVA-Travel, study and experience the World in the funniest way by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world).

Begun in 1998 the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!

And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel

• Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd

• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd


1.Moldova self care Internship and Volunteer placements.Travel, study and experience Europe by Internship or Volunteer program in Moldova, close to Russia, apply today!

80 Euros fee. Our internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Eastern Europe while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Moldova or in neighboring countries by few hour drive ex. Black Sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, Crimea or 2 hours fly to Moscow, EU big cities etc.

In order to apply, send your resume and request toirffmd@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net

2. Volunteer in Moldova, All inclusive

Are you looking for a worthwhile project? Do you want to help disadvantaged children?

You can volunteer in an orphanage in the capital city Chisinau, providing children with love, attention and the knowledge that someone cares about them. The project runs all year round but volunteers are particularly in need from Autumn- Spring. 2 meals a day and accommodation is provided and the participation fee is:-2 weeks = 500 EUR, 1 month = 950 EUR

In order to apply, send your resume, country and position request to pacea21@gmail.com andirff@pisem.netIVA- Travel, study and experience The World by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy, Israel, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Pakistan placements. International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world):

'via Blog this'

суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

Новости - Политика - Moldova ar putea obţine sprijinul Grupului Visegrád Pagini web comandati la www.ivacademy.ru

Moldova ar putea obţine sprijinul Grupului Visegrád
Republica Cehă va oferi Republicii Moldovaa asistenţă pentru dezvoltare până în anul 2017. Programul de cooperare pentru dezvoltare, precum şi posibilitatea de susţinere a ţării noastre în cadrul grupului Visegrád au fost discutate în cadrul întrevederii viceministrului Afacerilor Externe şi Integrării Europene, Natalia Gherman, şi omologul său ceh, Tomas Dub, aflat într-o vizită de lucru la Chişinău.

Tomas Dub a prezentat prevederile Pogramului de Cooperare pentru Dezvoltare 2011-2017, prin care Guvernul ceh este dispus să implementeze o serie de proiecte în diverse domenii din RM. "Încercăm să ne concentrăm pe asistarea ţărilor din Europa de Est. În cooperarea noastră bilaterală, ne-am convins că Republica Moldova merită şi trebuie ajutată. Ţara dvs. este una dintre cele prioritare pentru Cehia în politica sa de cooperare pentru dezvoltare", a spus Tomas Dub, citat de Serviciul de Presă al Ministerului de externe.

La rândul său, Natalia Gherman a precizat că această asistenţă va spori procesul de implementare a reformelor în ţara noastră şi apropierea de UE. "Cehia a fost mereu alături de RM în procesul de integrare, iar vocea Ministrului ceh de externe, Karel Schwarzenberg, a răsunat în multe instituţii europene în susţinerea noastră. Vom continua valorificarea cooperării bilaterale în această direcţie şi a prevederilor Memorandumului în domeniul integrării europene, semnat toamna trecută de cele două ţări”, a declarat Gherman.

Viceminiştrii au abordat şi problema transnistreană, din perspectiva reintegrării ţării şi stabilirii încrederii între cele două maluri şi au examinat posibilitatea de susţinere a RM în cadrul Grupului Visegrád, preşedinţia căruia a fost preluată de Cehia de la 1 iulie 2011. Menţionăm că acest Grup este format din 4 state central-europene: Cehia, Polonia, Slovacia și Ungaria. Prin declaraţia comună de creare a Grupului, semnată în 1991, ţările respective își asigurau sprijin reciproc în vederea integrării politice și economice în Uniunea Europeană. 

Pagini web comandati la www.ivacademy.ru

» India lansează tableta de 5 dolari Pagini web comandati la www.ivacademy.ru

Creată în cadrul unei iniţiative a guvernului din India, cea mai ieftină tabletă din lume va fi lansată pe 5 octombrie.
Botezată Sakshat, tableta în valoare de aproximativ 35 dolari este livrată deja către Institutul Indian de Tehnologie, de unde va pleca mai departe către un public format din elevi şi studenţi. Preţul tabletei este subvenţionat în proporţie de 50% de către guvern, astfel încât un număr cât mai mare de elevi să şi-o poată permite.
Tableta oferită în versiuni cu ecran tactil de 5, 7 şi 9 inch dispune de tastatură încorporată, harddisk de 32 GB şi 2 GB memorie RAM.
În ciuda unui preţ de achiziţie aproape imposibil de conceput pentru o tabletă, Sakshat dispune de conectivitate Wi-Fi, web browser şi cameră web pentru activităţi de videoconferinţă. Nu lipsesc nici facilităţile multimedia iar pentru treburi mai serioase avem la dispoziţie pacheteleOpen Office şi SciLab.
Despre sistemul de operare livrat nu sunt cunoscute prea multe detalii, însă probabil este vorba despre o versiune mai veche a platformei Android.
sursa: Pagini web comandati la www.ivacademy.ru